Senior Focused Communities...
For most of my 27+ years in Health Care I have been working directly with seniors and servicing the communities in which they live. This includes Independent & Assisted Living, Memory Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities. For the last 6 years I have had the opportunity to work closely in Life Care Communities and obtained my Administrative License for Assisted Living through AHCA here in Florida. I am also a Certified Dementia Practioner.
A strong passion of mine while working in Business Development was leading a team with the same goals in mind, especially as it relates to helping and protecting our seniors. Those who have built this great Country and accomplished much more than their humility will allow them to share with us most days. As health care and the demands associated with it change, one thing that we can not lose focus on is this:
Our Seniors Need Us.
Senior Living and senior-focused "business" is very competitive. People are living longer and with this comes the need for active and vibrant communities where a team of clinicians and professionals can assist each and every one of them. Doing what we can to help them enjoy this final chapter of their lives. As we see more and more of these communities opening, I see it as both a blessing and also an opportunity. While these careers may be stressful and challenging at times I would always remind myself that these are someone's parents. The quality of their life matters.
I found success in these communities by simply relating to the residents that live there and surrounding myself with like-minded professionals. It is amazing what a little extra time and attention/listening can do for someone. From there, creating resources and programs that were needed and were not found in every community. One of the most rewarding experiences was understanding the need for a Behavioral Health & Wellness Program, or Transitional Care Program, and incorporating that into several of these communities. When a senior chooses to leave his or her home....places where they raised their children and even spent decades there, the emotional challenges can become so overwhelming that it impacts their overall health and quality of life. It can even shorten it. While we can not fully relate to these challenges, we can try....and we can listen.
If you are looking into the services found here you may be wondering what exactly we can offer your community. From planning weekly cognitive exercises and activities for those residents in Memory Care or helping sit with your team of professionals and clinicians while openly discussing challenges they may be facing, to working with your business development team and collectively building a campus focused program that helps bring in residents and keeps them there, to hosting and planning educational lectures for both residents and employees, we have several options for you and your team. Your residents. I would love the opportunity to discuss this with you. Simply click on the Contact Us link above and lets figure out a time that is best for your community and staff.
Senior Focused Communities...
For most of my 27+ years in Health Care I have been working directly with seniors and servicing the communities in which they live. This includes Independent & Assisted Living, Memory Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities. For the last 6 years I have had the opportunity to work closely in Life Care Communities and obtained my Administrative License for Assisted Living through AHCA here in Florida. I am also a Certified Dementia Practioner.
A strong passion of mine while working in Business Development was leading a team with the same goals in mind, especially as it relates to helping and protecting our seniors. Those who have built this great Country and accomplished much more than their humility will allow them to share with us most days. As health care and the demands associated with it change, one thing that we can not lose focus on is this:
Our Seniors Need Us.
Senior Living and senior-focused "business" is very competitive. People are living longer and with this comes the need for active and vibrant communities where a team of clinicians and professionals can assist each and every one of them. Doing what we can to help them enjoy this final chapter of their lives. As we see more and more of these communities opening, I see it as both a blessing and also an opportunity. While these careers may be stressful and challenging at times I would always remind myself that these are someone's parents. The quality of their life matters.
I found success in these communities by simply relating to the residents that live there and surrounding myself with like-minded professionals. It is amazing what a little extra time and attention/listening can do for someone. From there, creating resources and programs that were needed and were not found in every community. One of the most rewarding experiences was understanding the need for a Behavioral Health & Wellness Program, or Transitional Care Program, and incorporating that into several of these communities. When a senior chooses to leave his or her home....places where they raised their children and even spent decades there, the emotional challenges can become so overwhelming that it impacts their overall health and quality of life. It can even shorten it. While we can not fully relate to these challenges, we can try....and we can listen.
If you are looking into the services found here you may be wondering what exactly we can offer your community. From planning weekly cognitive exercises and activities for those residents in Memory Care or helping sit with your team of professionals and clinicians while openly discussing challenges they may be facing, to working with your business development team and collectively building a campus focused program that helps bring in residents and keeps them there, to hosting and planning educational lectures for both residents and employees, we have several options for you and your team. Your residents. I would love the opportunity to discuss this with you. Simply click on the Contact Us link above and lets figure out a time that is best for your community and staff.